Meatless Meatballs

  I will be the first to admit that these are nothing to look at. I would even say that they are downright ugly. However, as many of you know, Son #2 will eat almost anything if it’s brown, so I had to resist the urge to sprinkle some green herb over this dish.

The recipe is not mine, but comes from Laura Washburn’s book Vegetarian Food for Kids.

To make these meatless morsels, roughly chop 1 large carrot, 1 celery stalk, and 1 clove of garlic. Dump these three items into your food processor and whiz it until it is finely chopped. Heat 2 tbsp. of safflower oil on a skillet and add your veggie mixture. Cook on medium heat for about 3 minutes. You want your carrots to soften.

As you let this mixture cool a little, preheat the oven to 400 °F.

Then into your food processor add 1 can of chickpeas (about 15 oz), 2 tbsp. mayonnaise (normal or vegan), 2 tbsp. wheat or oat bran, 1 tbsp. flour, and the juice of 1/2 an orange. Process this until it is smooth but some chickpeas still remain whole.

Transfer this chickpea mixture into a medium sized bowl and add in the cooled veggie mixture. Stir to combine and then shape the mixture into small meatball-like shapes. Place these on a baking sheet (non-stick is best) and bake for around 30-40 minutes.

Who ate it?

Husband- He did not enjoy these.

Son #1- Tried it but didn’t like them either.

Son #2- He LOVED them and ate them with gusto.

To be honest I think this makes a really great finger food for toddlers and really picky preschoolers, but everyone else at your dinner table is going to suffer. They are just not that good.

On another note:

We are going on our camping trip next week and then to visit my husband’s family. So until I return enjoy the summer sun!

-Mom on a veggie mission.

3 thoughts on “Meatless Meatballs

  1. Thanks for sharing. I did a vegan mini meatloaf that the kids really enjoyed, but my son would appreciate more meat like nods of the spoon. I’ll give them a go. Thanks goodness for food processors and beans, eh?

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